Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Write A Blog? Who Cares..?

Why not? Exactly. Why not?  Who cares, who cares? It's about self expression. If the Kardashian's (and more recently Honey Boo Boo) can have a TV show about nonsense, I can certainly write a blog that hopefully makes some sense! When I wrote this original post 3 and a half years ago I answered my question, why write a blog  this way...need a creative outlet...want to express yourself...pissed about something...happy about something...concerned about to write...all of the above...the possibilities are bear with me as I embark on this blogging journey during a time in history when "living out loud" has supplanted the old way of "living quietly and then you die and no one even knew you were alive. " Some days I may bore you...and myself...other days I could make you laugh or cry...and then still other days I might inspire you...or confuse you...or piss you off...I hope not...but I could...or you might learn something? So...thanks for joining me on my blogging journey and please feel free to share any thoughts or comments with me, if your are so inspired. Until next time, ciao for now!